18.1.2022 En forme de teaser une partie d'une interview du dr Martin Zizi chez Kairos Presse: selon les data de Sciensano, les villes belges les plus vaccinées sont les plus atteintes par l'épidémie désormais. En ajout: une analyse similaire par le dr Eades
Billet inclus dans le dossier "Le circus virule (ou ce que le covid-19 est venu nous dire"), amorcé début 2020. Répertoire "non-food" de ce site. Je mets ma casquette de Jiminy Cricket, comme pour le dossier à charge contre les Gafam. Je transfère certains des billets écrits en brouillon sur fb pendant le confinement. On les retrouve via le sommaire.
Le dossier n'est pas terminé, je l'étoffe de jour en jour. Patience, il sera prêt en livre sous peu.
Les pros comme Alexandra Henrion-Caude ou les médecins et chercheurs de l'AIMSIB nous avaient déjà prévenu dès mi 2020 du danger des campagnes de vaccination en pleine épidémie. Les profanes comme moi ne peuvent pas ne pas avoir compris le phénomène d'ADE qu'ils expliquaient si bien.
Un doute sur la théorie ? Allons donc voir les statistiques.
C'est un secret de polichinelle que dans les pays aux fortes campagnes de vaccination, l'épidémie reprend de plus belle.
J'ai capté en forme de teaser une partie de l'interview du professeur Martin Zizi en date du 4/1/2022 chez Kairospresse : autour de la minute 40 et suivantes, il décode les stats de notre Sciensano national et démontre qu'on peut établir le même rapport dans notre petite Belgique, si morcelée qu'elle permet d'analyser les données finement: les villes les plus vaccinées sont les plus atteintes par l'épidémie désormais. Le dr Zizi: biophysicien, ancien Directeur Scientifique Médical à la Défense belge, ancien Directeur de la Division Épidémiologie et Biostatistiques, ancien Président du Comité Éthique BE Def
Voir l'interview complète -> https://www.kairospresse.be/interview-du-professeur-martin-zizi
Et ... s'abonner à Kairos Presse, bon sang mais c'est bien sûr... -> https://www.kairospresse.be/abonnement/
Pour un ami qui lit l'anglais, pardon je n'ai pas traduit: je lui ai soumis l'hypothèse que nous étions protégés de l'omicron vu notre statut "libre de thérapie génique".
Explication par le docteur Eades, qui émet une hypothèse: "Is Omicron Preferentially Attacking the Vaxxed?"
It sure seems that way if you look at the stats.
But if so, why?
Maybe because of what's called Original Antigenic Sin (OAS).
There is kind of glitch in our immune systems, pointed out way back in 1960 by Thomas Francis, Jr., M.D. His paper was about OAS and influenza and is written the way scientific papers were back then. It isn't full of technical jargon and is written to inform, not to impress, as so many papers are today. I stuck a copy in my Dropbox for you in case you want to read the original.
Dr. Francis figured out that when the immune system develops its attack against, say, a virus, it reads the antigenic pattern of the particular virus and primes the immune system to attack and destroy when it next comes across this same pattern. Which provides lasting immunity against a particular virus.
But what if a virus mutates? If the antigenic pattern is generally the same, the immune system will recognize it, attack, and kill. The problem arises when the virus continues to mutate, but leaves some of the original antigenic pattern intact. In this case, the immune system identifies the pattern and basically says, Oh, it's you again. And mounts an attack. But if the virus has mutated enough, the attack doesn't work very well. And the patient gets sick.
Maybe the virus mutates to the point that it is vastly different, but still has a little piece of the antigenic pattern. The immune system reads it, says, Oh, it's you, and mounts an attack that doesn't work at all. Then the patient gets really sick from a mutated version of the virus he is immune to. And because the immune system thinks it as done its job, it doesn't really develop memory immunity against the mutated virus.
Back in the late 1950s, there were plenty of people still around who had survived the bad 1918 flu. Dr. Francis tested them for immunity against that strain and found them to be highly immune. But their immunity waned with successive strains.
Since the COVID vaccines involve mRNA that hijack the body's protein synthesis apparatus and force it to produce a portion of the spike protein, that's what the immune system reads. And since these vaccines are made for the original Wuhan version of the spike protein, I suspect that particular antigenic pattern is not close to the spike protein of the Omicron variant, which is distinctive in how much it has changed from the original version.
But there may well be a bit of the original pattern left, enough to make the immune system of those vaccinated say, Oh, it's you again. But the immune response does not wipe out the virus.
Since many people who are unvaccinated are unvaccinated because they've already had COVID and have natural immunity against many parts of the virus, not just the original spike protein, they didn't get Omicron.
There may be other reasons the vaccinated are getting the Omicron variety at greater rates than the unvaccinated, but OAS is a valid one.